Classes and Tuition
Young Two's Class: (Children need to be 2 by September 2025)
Option 1: Lunch Club / M-T - 9:30-12:30 pm, Friday - 9:30-12:15 pm: Tuition plus fees totals: $27,500
Option 2: 5 full days / 9:30 - 2:20 (Fri. until 12:15 pm). Tuition plus fees totals: $29,500
Two's Class: (Children need to be 2 by March 2025)
Option 1: Lunch Club / M-T - 9:30-12:30 pm, Friday - 9:30-12:15 pm: Tuition plus fees totals: $27,500
Option 2: 5 full days / 9:30 - 2:25 (Fri. until 12:15 pm). Tuition plus fees totals: $29,500
Three's Class: (Children are 3 by Sept. 2025)
5 days / Mon. - Fri. 9:30 - 2:30 (Friday until 12:25 pm) Tuition plus fees totals: $29,500
Fours's Class: (Children are 4 by Sept. 2025)
5 days / Mon. - Fri. 9:15 - 2:45, Fridays until 12:30. Tuition plus fees totals: $30,000
Siblings are granted a 10% discount from tuition.
Understanding Tuition and Fees Breakdown:
Base Tuition for 2's = $22,000-$24,000 / Base Tuition for 3's= $24,000 / Base Tuition for 4's $24,500
*Explanation of other fees:
Registration: $300 non refundable application fee
Lunch: $1400
Security Guard: $1,000 (per child)
PTA Dues: $350 (sibling is $200)
Building fund: 1 time payment per family $1,000 * Tax deductible
Annual Fundraiser commitment - $1,750 per family * Tax deductible
Option for extended hours:
Early-care - (8:30 am) $2000 for the year, or $18 per day: Pay as you go.
After-care- (2:30 - 3:40 pm) $2000 for the year, or $18 per day: Pay as you go. (Fridays 12:30- 1:15 pm)
Please note: in the event of delayed opening or mid year government closure (beyond a 2 week closure) tuition will be prorated to reflect loss of school days.
Refund policy Deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable.
Withdrawal before June 1, 2025 |
Refund of any tuition paid, less the deposit of $3,000.
Withdrawal before August 1, 2025 |
Refund of tuition paid, less $3,000 deposit and 1 month tuition.
Withdrawal before Sept. 1, 2025 |
Refund, less $3,000 deposit and 2 months tuition.
Withdrawal after Sept. 1, 2025 |
Refund, less $3,000 deposit and 3 months tuition.
Please note: in the event of delayed opening or mid year government closure (beyond a 2 week closure) tuition will be prorated to reflect loss of school days.