  • Light Shabbat Candles More Information
  • High Holidays at ChabadServices
    Rosh Hashana Dinner
    Sukkot Dinners
    Lulav and Etrog Sets
    Sample More Text
  • Israel at WarUpdates, spiritual insights, and more. Read More
  • PreschoolRegistration 2024/25
    There are still a few openings in our Four's Class!
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There is no mystery about our philosophy: A Jew is a Jew is a Jew. Love every Jew; educate every Jew; reach out to help every Jew. We open our arms and hearts to all, regardless of education or affiliation. That is a commitment that we have honored on the Upper East Side since 1991.

Chabad of the Upper East Side is part of the Chabad-Lubavitch world-wide organization under the auspices of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson ob”m.

Our center is located at 419 East 77th Street and includes a Shul, The Upper East Side Kollel, The Jacques and Hanna Schwalbe Mikvah for Women, a Vessel Mikvah, Chabad Preschool, Hebrew School, Camp Gan Israel, and Adult education classes.

Chabad Upper East Side also has affilitates throughout the neighborhood including Chabad of Hunter College, Chabad Israel Center, Chabad Young Professionals, Friendship Circle UES, Chabad Care: hospital visitations, Chabad Young Families, and The Jewish Conversation.

Please enjoy browsing our site and exploring different opportunities for learning and growth.

Feel free to reach out to us for an questions or comments. We look forward to meeting you.

212 717-4613
[email protected]