Gimmel Tammuz - July 9, 2024
The 30th Yahrzeit of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson z"l, the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
What To Do On the Anniversary of the Rebbe’s Passing
Dear Friends,
On the anniversary of a tzadik’s passing, all the light that he planted in this world—his teachings, good deeds, and everything in which he invested his life and being—all this shines brightly, so that anyone connected to him can receive blessings of life, happiness and wisdom.
How should we spend such a day? How do we make that connection?
On the anniversary of his passing (July 9), let's celebrate the Rebbe's vision. Let's honor his life's mission to bring goodness and kindness into this world. Let's do one more mitzvah, one more good deed, to make this world a better place.
Here are six simple suggestions:
Please join us for a beautiful Farbrengen in honor of the Rebbe on Tuesday, July 9, 7:30 pm at Chabad Upper East Side.
Some have a custom to light a Yahrzeit candle for th Rebbe. This is done at the onset of the Yahrzeit, this year Monday eve, Junly 8 through Tuesday night, July 9.
Give Tzedoka in honor of the Rebbe's Yahrzeit. Help send a child to a Jewish School! Click here
Check out the Ten-Point Mitzvah Campaign the Rebbe initiated. See how you can expand your involvement in any of those mitzvahs. Encourage another Jew to do the same. As the Rebbe would often say, any one mitzvah can transform the entire world.
Visit the Ohel or Write a letter using the online form
Or write a letter to be placed at the resting place of the Rebbe that day, using our online form. Ask him to help you open the gates of heaven’s blessings—for you, your family and friends at this special time. Mention the resolutions you have made today, and the positive influence you’ve had on others.
Spread the Word
Make a time to sit with your family and talk about the Rebbe, to gain inspiration from his accomplishments and his vision, and the mission he gave each one of us to prepare this world for the times of Moshiach.