About us
The Jacques and Hanna Schwalbe Mikvah: A Spa for the Soul
Exclusively for Jewish Brides and Married Women for the purpose of Family Purity (laws of Niddah).
The Mikvah is located at 419 East 77th Street, the street level entrance.
What to expect:
After descending a grand staircase, the Mikvah attendant will welcome you and escort you to one of our eight magnificent preparation rooms. We offer a spacious Bridal Suite for the bride-to-be. Each room is equipped with a multi-directional shower or jacuzzi bathtub. Relax amidst soft music and radiant floor heating. Amenities available to help with your preparations include luxurious towels and robes, personal toiletries. Each client receives a new toothbrush, comb, and slippers which you are welcome to take home with you!
Our new updated intercom system allows you choose your music selection, indicate if you need additional amenities, and notify the attendant that you are ready. The attendant will then escort you to immerse in the Mikvah, a pristine miniature pool of warm water that lies beneath a mosaic of blue sky and white clouds. It is meticulously cleaned. After you descend and immerse once in the warm Mikvah waters, you recite a blessing and then immerse two more times (or if you have a different personal custom regarding how many times you dip or when you say the prayer). The Mikvah attendant can assist you with the blessing. After immersion, you will have time to yourself to focus and pray.
This is an opportune moment to pray for yourself and for all your loved ones.
Please click here for a review and for the guidelines for determining your Mikvah night and how to prepare for your mikvah immersion.
Browse our website or email us at [email protected] for more information.
Contact us:
To make an online appointment: Click here
Email: [email protected]
Mrs. Devora Lea Naiditch 412-867-5224
We are open every evening by appointment.
Click here to view this week's hours
For Bridal appointments as well as special requests, or if you are having difficulty making an appointment, please text Devora Lea Naiditch at 412-867-5224 or email [email protected]
Please note: Appointment hours vary from week to week as immersion time is dependent on Nightfall.
* On Friday night and Holiday nights, come completely ready to immerse. Do all preparations at home before candle lighting time. If your Mikvah night is on the 2nd night of a holiday), do all preparations before the holiday begins and minimal permissable cleaning on the day of immersion. Please reach out to us if you need guidance or have any questions.
General information
Erev Shabbat and Yom Tov: |
On Friday night and on holidays, we are only open for a short while. Please be on time for your appointment. Due to Shabbat observance, all bathing and preparations are completed before candle lighting. At the mikvah you will be shown to your room where you will put on a robe, look yourself over and then immerse. Please be totally prepared to immerse when you arrive. No showering on Shabbat.
Saturday nights: |
Appointments for preparations begin 45 minutes after Shabbat ends. An attendant is not available until 1 hour after Shabbos ends.
We are open year round except for Yom Kippur and Tisha B’Av. On both of these nights one does not immerse in the Mikvah or engage in intimate relations. If your Mikvah night is Yom Kippur or Tisha B'Av, you immerse the following night. |
For special requests and question please call Devora Lea Naiditch at 412-867-5224 or contact us through email here . |
Late night: Appointments are available for extenuating circumstances only. Please be aware there is a late night fee of $75 and be sure to call and schedule your appointment.
Day time appointments are available only with halachic permission from your Rav and are dependent on availability of a mikvah attendent. Please be aware there is a $100 fee for daytime appointments. Bridal visits may be scheduled during the daytime for an $80 fee. Please contact us as soon as you have your wedding date so we may assist you in scheduling your Mikvah visit and reserving the Bridal Suite just for you. We can also assist you in finding a Kallah teacher and with any other information you would need to facilitate a beautiful experience.
the Jewish Calendar times of Sunset, NIghtfall, etc vary throughout the year. Visit chabad.org zmanim page for exact times of the Jewish Calendar |