Chof Hey Tevet:   The Yahrzeit of the Alter Rebbe

24 of Tevet this year corresponds to January 24, 2025

We are full. Reservations are no longer available. Our next dinner will be Friday, February 7 in honor of Yud Shevat. Check back next week to reserve. 




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The 24th of Tevet is the anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of Chabad Chassidism.

Rabbi Schneur Zalman was born in the White Russian town of Liozna on Elul 18, 5505 (1745)—the 47th birthday of the founder of the chassidic movement, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov. In 1764 he traveled to Mezeritch to study under the tutelage of the Baal Shem Tov’s successor, Rabbi DovBer. Despite his youth, he was accepted into the inner circle of the great master’s pupils.

Upon his return from Mezeritch, there gathered about him a group of disciples whom he instructed in the ways of Chassidism. It was during these years that he formulated his distinct “Chabad” philosophy and approach to life, which he subsequently outlined in his magnum opus, Tanya, on which he labored for twenty years before publishing it in 1796. By that time his influence had spread throughout White Russia and Lithuania, where a significant part of the Jewish population regarded him as their rebbe and leader. Read More


Shabbos Schedule:

Friday, January 24

Candle Lighting: 4:46 pm 

Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbos 4:50 pm

Dinner and Lecture 5:45 pm


Shabbat Day, January 25, 2025

7:45 am Tehillim in honor of Shabbos Mevorchim

9:30 am Services

10:30 am  Torah Reading illucidated by the teaching of Chassidus

Followed by Grand Kiddush sponsored by Joseph and Deborah Aronow

Mincha 1:30 pm

Shabbat ends: 5:49 PM

5:50 PM Maariv, Havdala and the Living Torah