SHAVUOT FULL SCHEDULE All events are at 419 East 77th Street unless otherwise specified. (Times specified are for NYC) |
Tuesday, June 11 |
Holiday Candle lighting 8:10 pm Mincha 8:00 pm Siyum Tractate Sotah: Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasniansk Maariv 9:10 pm Followed by Holiday Dinner RSVP All night learning 11:30 pm - 3:30 am with open Tea Room
Mrs. Chanie Krasnianski - The Book of Ruth Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski - The Three Heroes of Shavuot: Moshe, King David, and The Baal Shem Tov Rabbi Mendel Krasnianski - Revenge: Is this a Torah Value? Rabbi Zeev Naiditch - Ethics of our Fathers
June 12 - Shavuot Day |
9:30 am Services 10:30 am Children’s Program and Party Reading of the Ten Commandments approximately 11:15 am Men, Women and Children come and hear the Reading of the Ten Commandments! Followed by a Grand Dairy Kiddush and Ice Cream Party for all! _____________
June 12 - 2nd Eve of Shavuot |
Mincha, Maariv - 8:00 pm Holiday Candle lighting after 9:18 pm from a pre existing flame
June 13 - 2nd Day Shavuot |
9:30 am Services Yizkor approximately 11:45 am Followed by Grand Kiddush Mincha 7:00 pm Followed by Farbrengen Maariv and Havdalah Holiday Ends 9:19 pm |