Schedule of  Classes 

Welcome to our Adult Education section. We look forward to taking a journey with you.

During these unusual times, we have classes in person and online. Some are live and interactive, others are recorded and available for you to peruse at your leisure. Enjoy and please send us questions and feedback!  

Here is a glance of the week's learning opportunities:  

Daily, 8:45 am in the Synagogue

 Daf Yomi Daily Talmud Class 

This class has resumed in person and is held daily after Shacharit at Chabad.

Or you can Email [email protected] to be added to the what's app group for daily Talmud class.

Listen to our Daf Yomi Podcast:




Daily Late Night Shulchan Aruch Shiur

with Rabbi Shlomo Gutnick

Finish your day with a daily dose of the code of Jewish Law. Learn all there is to know about daily Jewish living. 20 minute text-based shiur on Zoom. Monday through Thursday 9:45 pm

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 371 064 8816

Passcode: 4kRW7M



Wednesday, 1:00 pm


with Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski


Weekly Torah Study, meets every Wednesday for an hour of stimulating conversation, study and comaraderie over a delicious lunch. Come and bring a friend!




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  Kolel 1:1 Learning for Men

Start the year off right! Join us Jan. 1 for a special Learning program. 


Would you like to be set you up with your own personal Rabbi to study 1:1 learning in the Jewish subject of your choice?

The Chabad Learning Center UES Kolel has six amazing Rabbis ready, willing and able.

Text 917.841.7343 or reply to this email with any questions or to arrange. Don't be shy!


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Lessons in Tanya with Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski

The full series of Tanya Classes can be found at or on podcast:


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New Classes uploaded

What is Prayer?

myprayerclass .com

with Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski

 Recordings of many of our classes can be found on our YouTube Channel

 Please subscribe!